For many elderly the biggest challenges of everyday living, are the smallest. Seeing the number on the phone, opening pill bottles and reaching items up on the shelf, can all become obstacles in the course of daily living.
You can help an aging parent maintain their dignity |
For those seniors who are still independent, caregivers can provide tools that seniors, accomplish these tasks with great ease and more importantly independently. The good news is that growing older, does not mean that you must become totally dependant on a caregiver. There are a wide variety of items that make the life of the senior in your care, have a higher quality, and give you as a caregiver great peace of mind. Here is a brief description of devices that help the elderly with everyday tasks:
Big button, amplified |
- ClearSounds “Talking” Amplified Telephone with Talking Caller ID-This phone can provide security, safety and peace of mind, for your elderly loved one. One of the best features is that you can use the wireless pendant if you cannot reach the phone. The pendant works up to 100 feet from the phone, and is waterproof. There is no monthly fee, it simply plugs into your regular phone line. One of the benefits is it has an SOS feature. For emergencies it can be programmed to call a family member, friend or neighbor. Best of all if the first person doesn't answer, it automatically calls up to 30 numbers that have been chosen. The phone has a flashing alert light for ringer, a large, lighted display, and announces the caller’s number for easier recognition. This phone can help a senior who is suffering from limited vision or hearing maintain contact with family, friends and the outside world. To check out this phone simply click on
Easily open bottles |
- Open It RX-This system will allow seniors to easily open pill bottles, prescriptions and over the counter bottles that you have to push and turn the twist off caps, to open. Since many seniors suffer from limited dexterity (due to aging or problems like arthritis), this system can allow them to continue to use medications, without the frustration of trying to open them. Best of all the ergonomically designed over-sized cap surface, alleviates the pressure that is required to open a bottle. As a bonus a magnifying glass is tucked inside the cap, so that senior can easily read warning labels and dosage instructions. The system is lightweight and easy to carry, and works with medications lids ranging in diameter from ½” to 2-1/2”. Other items of this set that can be purchased include: Metal blade to puncture and remove foil backing and a plastic hook to remove cotton from pill bottles. To check out this system simply click on
- Raptor Reacher -This is a handy tool that helps keep seniors from having to climb up on a stool or chair to reach item. This is crucial since falls are one of the biggest problems, for seniors. Even a minor fall, can result in a serious and life changing injury for a normally healthy senior. This lightweight tool provides a tight grip on even the smallest objects. This simple tool can provide a peace of mind for caregivers as well, knowing that their loved one can reach items, with out risk.
All of the products described above can be found at Their helpful Product Specialist can help you determine what products are right for the senior in your life.
For further information on resources, that are available to improve, the quality of life for your senior, you can check out the family caregiver resource library. This is the world’s largest caregiver library, with over 1000 resources listed. Simply click onto and begin your search with a key word or phrase.
We're here to answer your questions |
About The CareGiver Partnership. The CareGiver Partnership helps caregivers and their loved ones with answers to their caregiving questions, including information about home health care products and supplies, from our Wisconsin-based team of Product Specialists who are all current or former caregivers. The company’s Web site provides the largest online library of resources on subjects most important to caregivers — from arthritis to assisted living, and Parkinson’s to prostate cancer — as well as access to more than 3,000 home care products for incontinence, skin care, mobility, home safety and daily living aids. The CareGiver Partnership was founded in 2004 by Lynn Wilson of Neenah, Wisc. Visit to learn more or call 1-800-985-1353.
Another thing that might help caregivers, is a medical alarm. This is especially useful if the caregiver isn't able to be in the house all the time (if they go to the shop, etc), and they need to make sure that their elderly patient is still safe.
I can also recommend the Just5 Easyphone among the elderly. Both of my parents are using this simple cell phone and I’ve seen how they are greatly assisted by it. This also features PERS so this also works to secure their safety. What we like about it is that it can secure the safety of my parents not only inside the house but also when they’re outside. This is very ideal for seniors who are still active. But even the homebody seniors would love it for sure as this presents other helpful features. Additionally, this device is also very affordable including the rates of the calling plans that this provider offers.
Thanks for the info, it’s easy to understand. BTW, if anyone needs to fill out a advance directive form, I found a blank form here:
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