Help Solving Healthcare Billing & Insurance Headaches

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Help With Medical & Insurance 
Billing Headaches

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Do you have a medical bill issue that you are struggling to resolve? Do you have a loved one that needs special care? Have you been diagnosed with a health condition and need to find a specialist?

At some point in our lives, we will all need to navigate our complex healthcare system. To help, we are pleased to announce a new healthcare help service being offered to our members at a special rate.

Health Proponent® is a service that offers trusted, personalized assistance to help resolve a variety of healthcare- and insurance-related issues such as locating providers and addressing billing matters.

Health Proponent is the consumer division of Health Advocate, the nation’s leading independent healthcare advocacy and assistance company. It provides access to your own Personal Health Advocate supported by a team of medical directors and benefits experts. They help individuals and their families get access to the healthcare they need, resolve burdensome issues and lower medical costs.

The Service Includes
  • Help finding doctors, dentists, hospitals and other providers 
  • Assistance with billing issues  
  • Explanation of complex conditions
  • Research on the latest treatment options
  • Expediting appointments
  • Facilitating transfer of medical records, X-rays, test results
  • Assistance with senior issues
  • Insurance coverage clarification
  • Medical bill negotiation
  • Access to Online Health Tools
In addition the service assists you as well as your spouse, dependent children, and parents and parents-in-law. Health Proponent lifts the burden and saves you and your entire family time, money and worry.

Read This Actual, Real Life Example
Patricia experienced a “bombardment” of incorrect bills related to the testing and hospital stays she underwent resulting from a brain tumor. Her Personal Health Advocate addressed the billing errors and also helped her find facilities for further testing and treatment covered by her health insurance plan. When she had a subsequent seizure and fractured her forehead in a fall, she was again bombarded with incorrect billing errors. The same Personal Health Advocate was able to help Patricia resubmit the appropriate paperwork and to have the bills corrected for payment. After the situation was settled, Patricia said, “On top of my brain tumor, I was faced with a bombardment of billing errors. They handled the paperwork with compassion and persistence. Thank you, thank you!”

Get a Free Copy of The Healthcare Survival Guide: Cost-Saving Options for the Suddenly Unemployed and Anyone Else Who Wants to Save Money

Click here to download your copy:
What The Healthcare Survival Guide Says: 
  • Keep a close watch on your medical bills. Compare them against the Explanation of Benefits statement received from your insurance company (pg. 41).
  • To avoid other errors involving your care—such as mix-ups in diagnoses and medications – put together your own personal health record to record your medical history, past procedures, diagnoses, medications, allergies, etc. (pg. 53).
  • It’s just one way, along with free or low-cost prevention measures like regular screenings (pgs. 54-55), to take charge of your health and reduce doctor visits and medications. 
Get a Free Copy of The Healthcare Survival Guide: Cost-Saving Options for the Suddenly Unemployed and Anyone Else Who Wants to Save Money

Click here to download:

How to Get Started

To get a FREE consultation or for more information about Health Proponent and the special pricing (including a 30 day money-back guarantee) please call:

Call Now - 877-619-3435

  Click Here -


SpeedStar said...

I can't seem to find the download you're talking about on the website you provided. Would you mind posting a direct link to the download here? Thanks.

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health insurance australia said...

I've given up on the health care system, which is as complex as you put it. Private insurance is the only kind of insurance I can trust to cover me in times of need.

William Wagner said...

Navigating your own health care system is important, especially nowadays. You should probably consider their services so you can maintain your overall health.

health insurance plans

CareGiver Partnership said...

Even with private insurance, the billing can become overwhelming. It is also a common fact that there are many billing errors and these are unlikely to be discovered by a patient due to the complexity of the coding. That's why a service like Health Proponent is so valuable and cost effective.

CareGiver Partnership said...

Here is the link to the free download (one reader couldn't locate it).

Unknown said...

The best solution for medical billing problems is the help of medical coding specialist.

Stacy Barbee said...

Well, this will hopefully provide a solution to those struggling over their medical bills. Whether you have health insurance protection or not, incorrect bills may be a cause of concern. It’s especially burdensome for those who have to undergo regular check-ups or treatments. The healthcare survival guide will not only be helpful for the unemployed individuals or for those with limited means, but also for everyone else. The costs of health care are on the rise as it is. The Affordable Care Act promises to bring in new reforms though, and assures that the costs of health care are going to reduce.

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure, you should have a secured service for your health and for you family. It is also important to have a trusted healthcare billing provider.

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