It Happened to Me, and Could Happen to You, Too: Adult Bed Wetting

Adult bed wetting is not as uncommon as you would think.
No adult wants to wake from slumber to find that they have wet the bed, but it does happen. And it is not as uncommon as you would think. With over 26 million Americans dealing with some degree of incontinence, and about 2% of those having nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting), you are not alone. 

The best thing you can do is learn about it, seek treatment, and manage it so that it does not interfere with your day-to-day life.

What causes it?

Unfortunately there is not a one-size fits all cause for adult bed wetting. It can be caused by a number of different diseases, conditions, and ailments. It might be something that occurs regularly, or may have been brought on by a combination of risk factors all occurring at the same time. However, it is important to identify the cause so that it can be treated and a plan can be put in place to correct the problem and eliminate symptoms.

Common causes include neurological disorders, prostate obstruction, diabetes, an overactive bladder, damage to nerves or muscles during childbirth, as well as other medical issues. Often age is a factor, though not a cause.

Who is at risk?
Anyone can have nocturnal enuresis, although stress, mismanaged diabetes, infections, foods that irritate the bladder (like caffeine), age, gender, medical history, etc. all play a role. Those who already have bladder control problems find themselves at greater risk for bed-wetting.

What you can do about it?

This is where the good news comes in. There are things that can be done. The best option is a combination of the following:
  • Seeking advice and help from a medical professional
  • Having a treatment plan in place and sticking to it
  • Lifestyle changes such as limiting water before bed, avoiding trigger foods, and doing bladder training. 
  • Bladder strengthening exercises such as Kegels.
  • Using absorbent products to manage symptoms whiles seeking treatment. 

Managing symptoms
Treatment options will be determined by the cause of the condition, and may involve medication or surgery, or some other option. However, while treating the underlying cause it is important to manage the symptoms and help yourself lead a life with normalcy and dignity. And this is best achieved with absorbent products.

Absorbent products will keep skin healthy, bedding clean and dry, and offer protection throughout the night. There are a number of options available, and choosing the correct type, size, fit, and style are all key to getting the protection and benefits they can offer.

For almost 10 years now, The CareGiver Partnership has helped provide answers to questions about subjects like adult bed-wetting from our highly knowledgeable, all female team of Product Specialists. The company also offers a free and convenient Incontinence Product Finder tool on their site which helps you quickly and easily sort through over 650 different incontinence products.

Try our Incontinence Product Finder to avoid wasting money on trial and error.

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About The CareGiver Partnership. The CareGiver Partnership helps caregivers and their loved ones with answers to their caregiving questions, including information about home health care products and supplies, from our Wisconsin-based team of Product Specialists who are all current or former caregivers. The company’s Web site provides the largest online library of resources on subjects most important to caregivers — from arthritis to assisted living, and Parkinson’s to prostate cancer — as well as access to more than 3,000 home care products for incontinence, skin care, mobility, home safety and daily living aids. The CareGiver Partnership was founded in 2004 by Lynn Wilson of Neenah, Wisc. Visit to learn more or call 1-800-985-1353.


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