
My Occasional Unexpected Diarrhea Kept Me From Seeing Friends

One in five women over forty experience ABL. 
“As a woman of a certain age I expected my body to start letting me down some. I expected wrinkles. I expected a little pee when I laughed too hard or coughed. I expected my knees to creek and my eyes to be less sharp. But what I did not expect was accidental bowel leakage. 

Having stool leak unexpectedly was not in my plans. Never did I think that I would have to worry about soiled underwear, unexpected passing of gas, and worst of all unexpected diarrhea. My ABL is so embarrassing I stopped seeing friends. I am too afraid to venture out of the house for fear I will have a leak while out. I only leave my house to grocery shop, and even then I hurry, not lingering to chat even if I run into a friend. My unexpected diarrhea is keeping me from seeing friends, and I don’t know what to do about it. “

This story is far too common. One in five women over forty experience ABL. It is very disrupting to life, social or otherwise. The odor, the embarrassment, the discomfort all lead to isolation and frustration.
ABL can occur for any number of reasons, from the sphincter muscles being damaged in childbirth, or weakening with age, nerve damage, and more. And while there are treatment options and things you can do to help treat the problem, managing the symptoms is important for continuing to socialize and achieving some kind of normalcy.

Traditional fecal incontinence products are large, bulky, and not very discreet. They make seeing friends hard, as the wearer is usually fairly self-conscious. But now there is a totally new kind of protection for those with light ABL. It is called the Butterfly Body Liner. It fits comfortably between the buttocks, with stay fast wings that comfortably adhere to the skin, providing discreet protection for ABL.

The Butterfly offers a simple, discreet, and unique solution to your protection needs, allowing you to have the confidence you need to see friends, despite your unexpected diarrhea. It has an absorbent core, an odor shield, and will stay fast, so you can count on the protection no matter what you are doing. Learn more about Butterfly Body Liners.

When you try Butterfly, you will feel the confidence of superior protection. Seeing friends will be easy, and not embarrassing any longer.

To find out more about accidental bowel leakage, and how you can treat it, visit

Just remember, you do not have to live with the embarrassment and frustration of your ABL Ask your doctor about treatment options, and manage your symptoms with Butterfly Body Liners so you can continue to lead a normal life.

Further Reading: 

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About The CareGiver Partnership. The CareGiver Partnership helps caregivers and their loved ones with answers to their caregiving questions, including information about home health care products and supplies, from our Wisconsin-based team of Product Specialists who are all current or former caregivers. The company’s Web site provides the largest online library of resources on subjects most important to caregivers — from arthritis to assisted living, and Parkinson’s to prostate cancer — as well as access to more than 3,000 home care products for incontinence, skin care, mobility, home safety and daily living aids. The CareGiver Partnership was founded in 2004 by Lynn Wilson of Neenah, Wisc. Visit to learn more or call 1-800-985-1353.

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