
Compression Socks Can Be Used To Help With Circulation

Compression socks may be one of the things that a doctor recommends to someone who has varicose veins.   Other recommendations may include resting and elevating legs and surgery.
Varicose veins are caused by genetics, standing for long periods of time and pregnancy.  While no one can do anything about genetics at this point in time, other actions can be taken
Multiple Treatments for Varicose Veins
to give the person the best chance at not getting varicose veins possible.

People who are involved in activities that require standing for long periods of time need to take appropriate breaks and rest their legs.  Varicose veins are formed when the vein can no longer pump blood to the heart.  The valve may fail, and blood will pool in the vein causing it to become wrinkled and come closer to the surface.  By resting the legs and elevating them. The person is giving those valves and the veins the opportunity to rest in their fight against gravity.

The way to prevent pregnancy is through abstinence or contraceptives, but pregnancy is sometimes a joyous occasion, and one that is desirable.  That means that the woman will want to make sure that she continues to be active but also gives her legs a rest.  She may also want to consult with her doctor about compression socks.  Women who do get varicose veins during pregnancy can expect the symptoms to lessen after birth, but the veins will not go away, and the symptoms will return in future pregnancies.

Another factor that contributes to varicose veins is obesity.  Being overweight carries with it a huge health burden that has been expounded upon by scientists, nutritionists and fitness gurus for decades, and yet, America keeps getting fatter – not taller.  Creating a diet and exercise regime with a doctor and a nutritionist that the person can stay on for the rest of his or her life can lead to a healthier and happier life.  People who exercise typically feel better about themselves and that self-esteem can go a long way toward helping him or her to be who he or she wants to be.  Fad diets do not work to make lasting change.

The types of surgery that are available to treat varicose veins include, laser therapy, schlerotherapy, vein stripping and litigation, and ambulatory phlebectomy.  These surgeries can leave scar tissue and will not prevent the future formation of varicose veins.  There are newer surgeries that seem to result in less scarring and shorter time in the recovery room including endovenous thermal ablation and transilluminated power phlebectomy.

Those who experience varicose veins should be sure to talk to their physicians about when to call for help.  Some of those ties will include bleeding that does not stop, unexplained bruising of the leg and swelling.  These can be signs of a blood clot which can be dangerous to both life and limb.  Skin ulcers can also be a good reason to call in a professional.  Varicose veins can be the precursor to some very serious medical conditions, and it is important that they not remain self-treated.  Instead, it is prudent to consult a doctor and understand the problem and what can be done to protect the person and his or her way of life.
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Compression socks are great because they come in many different styles and are now virtually indistinguishable from normal socks.  The pressure that is applied strongly at the ankle and less so at the top helps to ensure that veins receive the proper support and that they do not fill with blood.  This improves circulation.  By keeping the blood from pooling, the veins are saved from becoming varicose.

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